The time finally came when this site got too big and I started moving things.

The recipe box used to sit within this website’s repository. But now lives on its own repo.

To enable it to look like it is still a part of this site, I converted my NavBar to a web-component. It has been raw HTML, a React Component and a Jekyll component in its life time. I do like the idea of web-components and will hopefully use more of them (hopefully one less complicated than the NavBar, which is sort of a jekyll component so that the blog section is automatically updated).

The recipe box is my first Vite react app. As a user of Create-React-App its nice to see NPM Audit bring back no errors. I’m not sure I noticed any differences in performance, but it is only a one-page app (which I’m sure could be done with pure JavaScript like the NavBar).

Previously the recipe box was a JavaScript class based component (I learnt React from FreeCodeCamp which loved the class based version), before I turned it into a functional component and now it is a TypeScript functional component.